*** this event includes partners & kiddies ***
This month, the end-of-the-month get-together has been re-assigned as Doodles of a Journo's house-warming. If you'd like to join us, please drop her an email (doodlesofajourno at gmail dot com) and she will send out the address and directions via email closer to the time.
Saturday 28th February, 14h00
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Please be considerate and don't go editing the page elsewhere unneccessarily. Thanks.
Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email blg.grls@gmail.com.
1. phillygirl (and varen)
2. tamara (doodles of a journo) and TSC... Seeing it is our housewarming ;-)
3. Ruby .......this time i get to see the house with more furniture in it:)
4. Louisa
5. Laura (and kiddies)
6. Angel & the knucklehead... though I am now going to be late as its my granny's 84th birthday and my mommy darling has organised a cake-n-tea... Neels is going to the Lions/Bulls game with my daddy darling and my sister C's BF.
7. Arkwife and hubby. Can't wait!! :-)
8. Jeanette and 2 kids.
Comments (2)
bloggirls said
at 2:14 pm on Feb 10, 2009
I'm going to be in Cape Town. BOOOOOOO. i want to see T's beautiful new house. (Rebecca)
bloggirls said
at 1:02 pm on Feb 11, 2009
I'm afraid I'll also be in CT - Rebecca are you following me?? KEEEDING! Hope you have a wonderful time!
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