
Get a Badge

Page history last edited by phillygirl 16 years, 9 months ago

Add the bloggirls badge to your blog



Adding the badge to a Blogger blog

  • Simple Picture Option (This will only display the above image on your blog):

    Add a new Picture Page Element. Set the Link to http://bloggirls.pbwiki.com and the Image from the Web to http://bloggirls.pbwiki.com/f/bloggirls_badge.jpg

  • HTML Option (This will display the above image and will also include more details about the upcoming event you plan on attending):

    Add a new HTML/Javascript Page Element. Cut 'n paste the following:

    <div align="center"><a href="http://bloggirls.pbwiki.com/"><img border="0" src="http://bp0.blogger.com/_shtHmVdGdHw/SCKzuhsK8OI/AAAAAAAABf4/7SKos2ghkLs/S300/bloggirls_badge.jpg" align="centre"/></a></div>


    <span style="font-size:85%;">If you are a girl-blogger living in [NAME_OF_YOUR_HOMETOWN], join us at The bloggirl's [NAME_YOUR_NEXT EVENT] Event.

    NOTE: When editing the above in the HTML/Javascript Page Element Window, select the text "The bloggirl's [NAME_YOUR_NEXT EVENT] Event" and create a link to the relevant Event Page on bloggirls. 



Comments (1)

bloggirls said

at 8:54 am on May 10, 2008

done! very cool


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