This time we've choosen Cool Runnings in Melville as a special request from Exmi.
Sunday 29 June, 12:00
NOTE: All food and wine will be for your own account.
Click on the LOGIN TO EDIT Tab up there ^. Log in with the email address, the password is a very creative bloggirls. It seems lto take you back to the VIEW Tab so click on the EDIT one and then add your name to the list below. To create a link from your name to your blog, select the text you want to link from (your name, I'd assume) and click the link icon in the toolbar
. In the popup box, set Link Type to URL and paste your blog address in the URL section. Easy Peasy.
Please be considerate and don't go editing the page elsewhere unneccessarily. Thanks.
Add your name (and any kiddies you plan on bringing along) to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it. If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email I think we may have to book so this list will close on Monday 23rd June.
1. phillygirl
2. angel
3. Tamara
4. Ania
5. Candy
6. Sweets
7. MsMozi
8. Ydnic
9. Exmi
Comments (5)
bloggirls said
at 1:36 pm on Jun 2, 2008
Oh no! I'll be in CT for my parents' wedding anniversary - can I pre-RSVP for July?
x Boldly Benny
bloggirls said
at 3:06 pm on Jun 2, 2008
I have just realised that the weekend of 29 June is the weekend I am going to the Grahamstown Festival. Oh no.
See you all in July then hopefully. Rebecca (The Jackson Files).
bloggirls said
at 11:48 pm on Jun 2, 2008
Hola girls :) sounds fab and am looking forward to it.
bloggirls said
at 9:08 am on Jun 10, 2008
this is gonna be good!!!
we driving together again sweets? glugs said we could borrow his gps
bloggirls said
at 9:09 am on Jun 10, 2008
oops... that was me- angel...!
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