
Xmas08 Joburg

Page history last edited by phillygirl 16 years, 2 months ago

To celebrate the end of the year, we will be skipping the November bloggirls lunch and diving straight into a December End of Year Celebration. Also, just this once special-occasion, we're opening the day up to partners and kiddies who want to come along (please RSVP below with numbers).



This time it's going to be a bring & braai at Rebecca (from The Jackson Files) 's new house. So, after you Sign-up below, please email her on thejacksonfiles at gmail.com for address info.

PLEASE NOTE: Rebecca has kindly asked us to bring along some braai's (She's only got one so depending on the turnout that may not be enough!). Please also indicate in your RSVP below if you can bring a braai :) Thanks!

*** 05Dec2008: the bring&braai is no longer at Rebecca's house but Louisa has kindly offered her house (near Beyer's Naude N1 offramp) instead. Mail her on louisabouwer at googlemail dot com for directions



Saturday 6th December, 14h30



Since it's a End of Year / Christmas Celebration, we're adding Secret Santa to the mix. If you come along, please be sure to bring along a nicely wrapped girly gift. And don't spend more than R50



Click on the LOGIN TO EDIT Tab up there ^. Log in with the blg.grls@gmail.com email address, the password is a very creative bloggirls. It seems to take you back to the VIEW Tab so click on the EDIT one and then add your name to the list below. To create a link from your name to your blog, select the text you want to link from (your name, I'd assume) and click the link icon in the toolbar . In the popup box, set Link Type to URL and paste your blog address in the URL section. Easy Peasy.

Please be considerate and don't go editing the page elsewhere unneccessarily. Thanks.



Add your name to this list if you're coming, take it off if you can't make it.


1. Phillygirl + Varen (we can bring a Weber braai)

2. Rebecca + Jackson

3. ExMi, The Boyfriend and The Kid. (it's mah birthday weekend - yay!

4. AngGlug and the knucklehead (we also have a weber thingy we can bring)

5. Arkwife and Hubby (we have a tiny Weber too)

6. Tamara and TSC

7. Louisa

8. Jeanette DH and the 2 kids

9. Sweets, Jay & Kay

10.  Ruby...erm, no attachments here


If you have any issues editing the wiki, then you can email blg.grls@gmail.com and I'll help you out :)


Comments (4)

bloggirls said

at 8:56 am on Nov 21, 2008

If you've read me lately you'll know that I'm sellign my jewellery at a Christmas open house on 6 Dec. Please note that this runs from 9.30 to 12.30, so there's no clash. This time I made sure of that ;-)

bloggirls said

at 8:56 am on Nov 21, 2008

Oh, that was me, Tamara, that wrote that.

bloggirls said

at 11:54 pm on Dec 4, 2008

Hey.... I would love to come, but am not sure if I will be able to make it as I have an 'appointment' in Meyerton in the morning... which area is the function being held?


bloggirls said

at 12:35 pm on Dec 5, 2008

Ok, so I know i'm adding my name really late....hope it's still ok if i come? I'm still not 100% if I'll make it, but AK is aware of my current problem...I'm going on a quadbiking outride in the morning and I'll have to wait and see if I'm back in time. Hope to see you all!!!!

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